Carrington Manous
Miss Georgia's Teen 2024
Carrington Manous is from Atlanta, Georgia, and attends Woodward Academy. Her Community Service Initiative is Carrington Cares: #DecodeDyslexia. Her career ambition is to earn her Juris doctorate and become an attorney, all the while continuing to advocate for individuals with dyslexia.
At the time of her crowning, Carrington had raised over $90,000 for dyslexia awareness/support in 9 countries. Carrington’s initiative is personal. She states, “After my dyslexia diagnosis, I faced confusion and shame. However, with the help of others, I have been able to reshape how I feel about myself and redefine how I choose to lead my life as a person with a learning difference.
Through my struggles, I have gained a passion for advocating for individuals like myself and creating spaces that foster inclusion and confidence. I aim to share learning and achievement tools with people who have dyslexia to help them overcome their challenges.”
When asked about her health initiatives, specifically how they relate to #MissAmericFit, Carrington explains that her guiding principle is, “Nurture your body, and it will nurture you.” From bike rides to curated dance routines and nourishing meals, she prioritizes a vibrant, balanced, healthy lifestyle daily.
When discussing other social issues of concern, Carrington mentions the “Imposter Syndrome.” She explains that this syndrome is fueled by pervasive digital exposure. “With 95% of teenagers accessing devices, over half spend 4+ hours daily online, inviting damaging comparisons.” She goes on to add, “This internet-driven challenge impacts self-esteem and mental health,
underscoring a critical concern for my generation and beyond.”
When this talented dancer won the title of Miss Georgia’s teen, she immediately crossed off the first item on her “bucket list,” which was to represent Georgia at Miss America’s Teen Competition. Carrington has earned that right, leaving her the goal of attending college to begin the pursuit of a law degree and her remaining wish to one day visit Bora Bora.